class Magic::TypeChecker


A TypeChecker checks the Magic database on the system for a given file, filepath, file descriptor, or byte stream (IO) on its .of instance method. It contains methods for changing how its output is given. While the primary use cases for this module can be performed with the module-level functions, instances of TypeChecker provide the full flexibility of libmagic in a syntax that still makes sense in crystal.


# get all matching mime types and the encoding from a series of files
mime_types =

def type_of_each(files : Indexable(File) | Set(File))
  files.each do |file|
    # and yield the list of mimes to a block
    yield mime_types.of(file).split('\n')

# alternately, return the list of mimes.
def types_of_each(files)
  files.each do |file|

# do the same thing but now follow symbolic links
def types_of_each(files)
  files.each do |file|
    yield mime_types.of(file).split("\n")
  mime_types.follow_symlinks = false

Defined in:

Constant Summary

Integer = ((((((Int8 | Int16) | Int32) | Int64) | UInt8) | UInt16) | UInt32) | UInt64


Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def = DEFAULT_OPTIONS, database_files : IterableOfStrings? = nil, limit_settings : Hash(Limit, Int32)? = nil) #

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Instance Method Detail

def all_types #

Return all matches, not just the first.

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def all_types=(setting : Bool) #

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def all_types? #

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def apple #

Return the Apple creator and type.

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def apple=(setting : Bool) #

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def apple? #

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def check_db #

Check the magic database for consistency and printwarnings to stderr, while checking a file.

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def check_db=(setting : Bool) #

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def check_db? #

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def check_device #

If the file is a block or character special device, thenopen the device and try to look in its contents.

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def check_device=(setting : Bool) #

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def check_device? #

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def checker=(chkr : LibMagic::MagicT) #

Manually set the checker to a given LibMagic::MagicT (libmagic's magic_t). This also reloads the datase, so no need to do that manually. If the given MagicT is a null pointer, this will raise Errno.

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def db_files : Set(String)? #

database files to read from

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def db_files=(files : IterableOfStrings) #

Load a new set of database files into the magic database. Setting this to :default sets the database to the value of the MAGIC environment variable, or, failing that, the default database, usually at /usr/share/misc/magic. Example:

check_ft =
check_ft.database = [ "/path/to/file", File.join("other", "path")]
check_ft.database = :default

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def debug_output #

Have libmagic(2) print debugging messages to stderr.

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def debug_output=(setting : Bool) #

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def debug_output? #

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def default_options? #

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def error(msg) #

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def escape_unprintable #

escapes non-printable bytes as their 0oOOO octal numeric forms.By default crystal handles this in cases where it's important (inputs for example), so by default strings contain the raw values forunprintable characters. (this differs from the libmagic default).

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def escape_unprintable=(setting : Bool) #

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def escape_unprintable? #

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def extensions(this) #

like #of() and #for() but returns a Set of valid extensions, rather than a single string.

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def follow_symlinks #

If the file queried is a symlink, follow it.

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def follow_symlinks=(setting : Bool) #

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def follow_symlinks? #

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def for(this) #

same as #of()

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def get_extensions #

Makes #of() return a slash-separated list of extensions for this file type.

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def get_extensions=(setting : Bool) #

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def get_extensions? #

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def get_mime #

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def get_mime=(setting : Bool) #

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def get_mime? #

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def get_mime_encoding #

Return a MIME encoding, instead of a textual description.

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def get_mime_encoding=(setting : Bool) #

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def get_mime_encoding? #

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def get_mime_type #

Return a MIME type string, instead of a textual description.

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def get_mime_type=(setting : Bool) #

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def get_mime_type? #

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def libmagic_defaults #

use the MAGIC_NONE option (the default for libmagic) instead of the default for

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def libmagic_defaults? #

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def look_into_compressed_files #

If the file is compressed, unpack it and look at the contents.

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def look_into_compressed_files=(setting : Bool) #

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def look_into_compressed_files? #

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def max_bytes(&block) #

Yields the current value of the max_bytes to the block, then sets the value to the result of the block, unless the block returns nil, of course. Example:

# doubles the PARAM_BYTES_MAX limit
ft_checker =
ft_checker.max_bytes do |current|
  current * 2

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def max_bytes #

Get the current limit of the LibMagic::PARAM_BYTES_MAX libmagic param. Defaults to 1048576. This is the same as calling magic_getparam and passing in the PARAM_BYTES_MAX constant. See libmagic(2).

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def max_bytes=(value : Int32) #

Limit LibMagic::PARAM_BYTES_MAX to the given value. This is equivalent to calling magic_setparam and passing it the constant PARAM_BYTES_MAX and the given value. See libmagic(2).

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def max_elf_notes #

Get the current limit of the LibMagic::PARAM_ELF_NOTES_MAX libmagic param. Defaults to 256. This is the same as calling magic_getparam and passing in the PARAM_ELF_NOTES_MAX constant. See libmagic(2). Controls how many ELF notes will be processed.

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def max_elf_notes(&block) #

Yields the current value of the max_elf_notes to the block, then sets the value to the result of the block, unless the block returns nil, of course. Controls how many ELF notes will be processed. Example:

# doubles the PARAM_ELF_NOTES_MAX limit
ft_checker =
ft_checker.max_elf_notes do |current|
  current * 2

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def max_elf_notes=(value : Int32) #

Limit LibMagic::PARAM_ELF_NOTES_MAX to the given value. This is equivalent to calling magic_setparam and passing it the constant PARAM_ELF_NOTES_MAX and the given value. See libmagic(2). Controls how many ELF notes will be processed.

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def max_elf_phnum #

Get the current limit of the LibMagic::PARAM_ELF_PHNUM_MAX libmagic param. Defaults to 128. This is the same as calling magic_getparam and passing in the PARAM_ELF_PHNUM_MAX constant. See libmagic(2). Controls how many ELF program sections will be processed.

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def max_elf_phnum(&block) #

Yields the current value of the max_elf_phnum to the block, then sets the value to the result of the block, unless the block returns nil, of course. Controls how many ELF program sections will be processed. Example:

# doubles the PARAM_ELF_PHNUM_MAX limit
ft_checker =
ft_checker.max_elf_phnum do |current|
  current * 2

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def max_elf_phnum=(value : Int32) #

Limit LibMagic::PARAM_ELF_PHNUM_MAX to the given value. This is equivalent to calling magic_setparam and passing it the constant PARAM_ELF_PHNUM_MAX and the given value. See libmagic(2). Controls how many ELF program sections will be processed.

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def max_elf_shnum #

Get the current limit of the LibMagic::PARAM_ELF_SHNUM_MAX libmagic param. Defaults to 32768. This is the same as calling magic_getparam and passing in the PARAM_ELF_SHNUM_MAX constant. See libmagic(2). Controls how many ELF sections will be processed.

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def max_elf_shnum(&block) #

Yields the current value of the max_elf_shnum to the block, then sets the value to the result of the block, unless the block returns nil, of course. Controls how many ELF sections will be processed. Example:

# doubles the PARAM_ELF_SHNUM_MAX limit
ft_checker =
ft_checker.max_elf_shnum do |current|
  current * 2

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def max_elf_shnum=(value : Int32) #

Limit LibMagic::PARAM_ELF_SHNUM_MAX to the given value. This is equivalent to calling magic_setparam and passing it the constant PARAM_ELF_SHNUM_MAX and the given value. See libmagic(2). Controls how many ELF sections will be processed.

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def max_indir(&block) #

Yields the current value of the max_indir to the block, then sets the value to the result of the block, unless the block returns nil, of course. Controls how many levels of recursion will be followed forindirect magic entries. Example:

# doubles the PARAM_INDIR_MAX limit
ft_checker =
ft_checker.max_indir do |current|
  current * 2

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def max_indir #

Get the current limit of the LibMagic::PARAM_INDIR_MAX libmagic param. Defaults to 15. This is the same as calling magic_getparam and passing in the PARAM_INDIR_MAX constant. See libmagic(2). Controls how many levels of recursion will be followed forindirect magic entries.

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def max_indir=(value : Int32) #

Limit LibMagic::PARAM_INDIR_MAX to the given value. This is equivalent to calling magic_setparam and passing it the constant PARAM_INDIR_MAX and the given value. See libmagic(2). Controls how many levels of recursion will be followed forindirect magic entries.

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def max_name #

Get the current limit of the LibMagic::PARAM_NAME_MAX libmagic param. Defaults to 30. This is the same as calling magic_getparam and passing in the PARAM_NAME_MAX constant. See libmagic(2). Controls the maximum number of calls for name/use.

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def max_name(&block) #

Yields the current value of the max_name to the block, then sets the value to the result of the block, unless the block returns nil, of course. Controls the maximum number of calls for name/use. Example:

# doubles the PARAM_NAME_MAX limit
ft_checker =
ft_checker.max_name do |current|
  current * 2

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def max_name=(value : Int32) #

Limit LibMagic::PARAM_NAME_MAX to the given value. This is equivalent to calling magic_setparam and passing it the constant PARAM_NAME_MAX and the given value. See libmagic(2). Controls the maximum number of calls for name/use.

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def no_compression_info #

Don't report on compression, only report about the uncompressed data.

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def no_compression_info=(setting : Bool) #

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def no_compression_info? #

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def of(file : File) #

Get the filetype "of" the given file. Raises Errno if there's an error from libmagic instead of returning nil.

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def of(this : Int32) #

get the filetype "of" the open file at the given file descriptor integer.

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def of(this : IO) #

Get the filetype "of" the given bytes. Raises Errno if there's an error from libmagic instead of returning nil.

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def of(filepath) #

Get the filetype "of" the given file. Raises Errno if there's an error from libmagic instead of returning nil.

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def of?(file_descriptor : Int32) #

Get the filetype "of" the given file. Returns nil if there's an error accessing the file or an internal libmagic error. In this case libmagic(2) will set errno(3) (Errno.value).

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def of?(filepath, opts) #

Get the filetype "of" the given file, passing opts to libmagic(2).

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def of?(file : File) #

Get the filetype "of" the given file. Returns nil if there's an error accessing the file or an internal libmagic error. In this case libmagic(2) will set errno(3) (Errno.value).

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def of?(bytes : IO) #

Get the filetype "of" the given file. Returns nil if there's an error accessing the file or an internal libmagic error. In this case libmagic(2) will set errno(3) (Errno.value).

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def of?(filepath) #

Get the filetype "of" the given file. Returns nil if there's an error accessing the file or an internal libmagic error. In this case libmagic(2) will set errno(3) (Errno.value).

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def options #

The current value of the magic flags. Equivalent to calling C's magic_getflags() or LibMagic.flags on this instance.

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def options=(options) #

Directly set the options parameter. This overrides all other options (like debug_output, follow_symlinks, etc.). Equivalent to calling C's magic_setflags() with the given integer. See libmagic(2) for more details. Appropriate values can be bitwise-or'd from LibMagic's constants.

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def preserve_atime #

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def preserve_atime=(setting : Bool) #

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def preserve_atime? #

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def reset_options #

reset any options set on this instance back to the default.

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def return_error_as_text #

Return errors while trying to open files and follow symlinks in thefiletype text rather than raising an error. This differs from the libmagic default, because it makes more sense to handle the errors in Crystal in most cases than to output them as text.

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def return_error_as_text=(setting : Bool) #

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def return_error_as_text? #

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def try_to_preserve_access_time #

On systems that support utime(3) or utimes(2), attempt topreserve the access time of files analysed.

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def try_to_preserve_access_time=(setting : Bool) #

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def try_to_preserve_access_time? #

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